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AD 350LASER--激光煙霧凈化系統
fume extractlon system for llght dutylasermarking, coding andengrawng applicatlons話用于小功幸激光打標,編碼和雕刻等應用的煙霧凈化系統。
詳細信息 AD 350LASER--激光煙霧凈化系統 JAMRON fume extractlon system for llght dutylasermarking, coding andengrawng applicatlons話用于小功幸激光打標,編碼和雕刻等應用的煙霧凈化系統 BOF's Adanage 350fume otrcon and fltradon system afedtidyremowspotandally hammtul fumes and pardlauahes cmatnd during thelser marking process.Bymaintalning a dutree operting arta,thesystem haps to protectwalusbk gqupmmtmalntain a highargudity mark, and redure the number dt raedis and contaiminants.BO網的4D 3504算凈化過速系埃比有效去院有咨爆棄和量光打標過理中產生的行生。此關可通此葉無書提作區域的堆護來保護貴重設備,推持打標品質,減少次品骨及行角。 The quetand compact Adantape 350 ideall for use in light duty lser markingappliadons,indudingschools, dn maling workshops nd smallsaleindusirialcnvtonmeng.4D 350 外是小巧,晚音低,是小動率量光打標白用(如學控,打5車回和中甲工業場所等的聞塑達擇。 重長評間G雷線控營首真請見隊功 eading Technolog*先技術優勢 Decp Flaat proflter62 HEPA fItc Wulti vokagesensing (vs unit家梅醫和熱模執 Reverse flow alifa itecin oleg ProTECT servloepiam保牌服務計煙 Adwnod mrbonfilber (ACF)teche oleo SUNeCHECK ounlitysandard 他心民量標 Key features of the AD 350性樓點 Blower with high alrflowand pressure高氣圍風機 Allter conditlon indicator德藝代態監控器 Digital flow control system電子氣地控制系院 voc ss sens or iiolaie rganic compound)Hillter dhangei' system fallslgnal進花更換/京交故身信號 L.ow costrepacement ifliters量濟型費換速藝Low nolselevels傾曉音 Nitrogen bloxdesensor二氧化做傳感器 Remote stop i startinterface運控開關接口 Contact BoFAat httpsbofalntematlonal.com/en/contactlhitsbolaiteratlonal.com/anboraldatecheo/ad.350 共0條 相關評論 |